About Coins for Change December 2009!

The 3rd annual Coins for Change is here! Coins for Change is when Club Penguin is giving away 1 million dollars to worthy causes and penguins Online donate virtual coins to the cause they want to donate the most! This tells Club Penguin how much of the $1 Million should be given to each cause! You can donate Coins at Coins for Change stands all around the island! Here is how you donate!

Choose a cause you would like to donate too. The causes are Kids who are poor, Kids who are sick, and the environment!

Now choose how many coins you would like to donate to the cause you chose! You can donate 50 Coins, 250 coins, or 500 coins!

Congrats! You have made a donation to Coins for Change! Hope this helped! 😉


Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracker and how to find him December 2009!

Its been 3 Months since Rockhoppers last visit and now he is back for his Holiday visit with Coins for Change! Rockhopper is waddling around Club Penguin so here are some tips that will help you find him quicker!


1. Rockhopper Will go on Any Server On Club Penguin.

2. Rockhopper will go in Any Room on Club Penguin So Check every Room When you are looking for him!

3. If a Room is Full Rockhopper is Probably inside that room So try to get in!

4. When you find Rockhopper you will recieve a Background by clicking on his playercard and clicking the Box Icon!

5.  Rockhopper is a Red Penguin with a Pirate Hat and a Black Beard!

6. Rockhopper is always online during each visit.

7. Rockhopper will be at the Migrator most of the time during his visits.

8. Comment below if you have found Rockhopper So other penguins can find him too!

9. Use the ClubPenguin ROCKZ updated Rockhopper Tracker to find him quicker below!

10. Chat with other penguins on the ClubPenguin ROCKZ Chat to find Rockhopper quicker!


Snow plow

You can also use the ClubPenguin ROCKZ chat by clicking on the sidebar to Track rockhopper with other penguins that want to find him ! Click below to Refresh the Tracker!

Good Luck finding Rockhopper!


Happy77 Interview About Club Penguin Coins!

Hey Penguins! Club Penguin Moderator Happy77 posted on the Club Penguin Blog an interview she had with Screenhog! It’s about coins since coins for change is coming up!

Q: Can you tell us any game secrets so we can collect coins faster?

A: There are games where bringing a certain color puffle will help you! There’s also the challenge of getting through Jet Pack Adventure without earning a single coin. There’s a big reward if you can do it.

Q: Any suggestions for penguins who want to do extra things to celebrate the season?

A: Well, Coins For Change is such a good time for helping others, so I’d suggest helping other penguins. Maybe if you see new penguins, give a tour! If someone’s looking for the pin, help them out. (Pssst… the in-pay is in the orest-Fay!)

Q: Are there other ways for penguins to celebrate Coins For Change?

A: There are lots of things you and your friends and family can do to make a difference for other people around the world! Volunteering some time is a good place to start. Let us know your ideas.

Start saving your coins for Coins for Change December 11th!
